As the sun shines through the cold winter air,
it is a good time to reflect on our lives and our places in the Universe. So many are confined to the loco parentis. We take parental duties so seriously that
they miss the point of the higher and wider meaning of this state of being.
Our family’s lives are therefore limited to the local daily issues that appear before us and we are so busy providing the best we can that we fail to look out into the sunlight as it radiates down from the Godhead.
The Father of All is the Father in Heaven. As I taught you to say, “Our Father who art in Heaven hallowed be thy name.” Do you recognise Him as your Father and the Father to all your family?
The term in loco parentis comes from the Latin for "in the place of a parent". It refers to the legal responsibility of a person to take on some of the functions and responsibilities of a parent.
However, in Universal language it means that we are all connected to each other through our Creation and we need to understand that it is up to us to take the place of Our Father to all beings and to help and guide them through the unconditional love that we are all given.
There is a lady called Anita Moorjani, who had a Near Death Experience (NDE) as she succumbed to the ravages of cancer. She was shown the limitations of Universal existence and explained it beautifully in her book Dying to be Me.
She saw it as being in a massive unlit warehouse and all she had was a small torch to shine around her. When the lights were turned on, she could see everything else that there was to see. Later the lights were turned off and she was left with that torch only.
However, that was enough as she had seen the extent of the warehouse and all it contained. She realised that what she could see with the torch was all that was available to her in this earth plane.
Outside it was the vast Universe that was overseen by ‘God’ the Father. ‘God’ is within us all and we are connected to everything else that exists. If we limit our thinking to just what is around us in the torchlight, we are very constrained.
By centering
ourselves and concentrating our thoughts and being in the Universal truth that
we are a part of this great magnificent existence, we allow that part of us
that we call ‘God’ to start to show us the way to think and act universally.
We are not here by accident but by design. We came into this world with innocence and unconditional love with a destiny to help others and to become holy, which means complete. We all need to think and act spiritually and to know that we are special.
This lady was healed of her cancer in five weeks after her NDE and her body was rebuilt by the Universe and the unconditional love that she was able to bring into her life. Then, as she went home, she found a new life and destiny to fulfil.
She made new friends and lost interest in the material world of finance and acquisitions. She has devoted her life to the expansion of the Universal gifts that are given to those who are worthy to do the work of the ‘God’ within them.
Everything that they see is beautiful and worthy. No religion is involved as the true work comes from the ‘God’ within us all. The Spirit Guides, as ‘God’s’ messengers, are there to pave the pathway for us to follow.
If we believe in the spiritual way of living and being and practice it well, then the hard work has been done. We can relax and be happy, as what we need will be given to us and we will be shown the way as everything will drop into our laps.
Belief is the importance here, as it is that which will earn us our rewards to fulfil our destiny. Our own Spirit Guides work with our personalised ‘God’ centred within us all and we need to have belief and faith in them to guide us.
They will bring in what we need when we need it and not before. When this happens, we will be struck by the perfect timing of it all. Messages and links are made that if not perfectly timed would never have the desired result.
We also need patience to allow the Spirit to work for us. They have our best interests at heart and they also know when we are ready to take on these additional processes for our lives. All we need is the strength and the perseverance to succeed with their backing.
Many honest and spiritual souls will tell you that they have seen miracles and happenings in their lives that came to them with that prefect timing. They will not occur in the time of our choosing, but in ‘God’s’ perfect time.
There are no failures, but only alterations on our path as circumstances dictate. Not everybody in the world is predictable and leave their actions to the Spirit to sort out and so delays and changes are possible.
If we are happy and secure in our spiritual lives, we will be able to see and feel the presence that accompanies the workings of this spiritual world around us, where things happen by design and not by coincidence.
We need to remember that we are a part of a team. We are all linked together and whether we choose to be part of it or not is up to us. We all have free will and the choice is ours. If we require a life of fulfilment in helping others, we will happily learn to go along with it all.
Notice that no
religion can take the place of the ‘God’ within us all. Religions are managed rulebooks that dictate
to their followers what they should be doing.
What you have within, is your personal guidance system, which will never
let you down.
There will be times when you may be struck down by disease or hurt in an accident. You will question your faith and belief system and you will eventually emerge stronger when you are given the proofs to understand.
It is by the means of both good and bad breaks that we learn and are empowered to use our experiences to help the greater good as well as those that are around us. Suddenly a door appears to open and the sunlight shines in.
You will feel amazed by the revelations that it brings and, when the proofs are shown to you, it will be as though you really knew them all the time, but you couldn’t quite reach them.
When I was on the earth plane all those years ago. I often spoke about my Father in Heaven. He is our voice within, who guides us and Heaven is not a place, it is a state within us.
So, it now all makes sense, doesn’t it? Everything that we need is within us and we are guided from here to do our work for the greater good and our family members alike. We are all connected to everybody else through the Spirit.
It is our responsibility to act as the loco parentis, so that the Father within us can help each and every one of those throughout the Universe that we touch with unconditional love. I say Amen to that.”