Too many people all
over the world, expect their aspirations to be granted immediately. This is the credit card society that tells
you that you can have today what you want and pay for it later!
That is marketing
and so many people believe that they have unlimited credit and ignore their
personal income, which has to pay for it all.
This explains why so many souls these days find that they are not credit
Talking to people
around the world that are becoming used to this attitude of getting what they
want when they want it, there are many disgruntled people of both sexes that
have designs on another person and become quite distressed when they don’t
You might say that
Almighty God is behind the times when He expects us to earn what we think we
need and stop going after what we want.
Our life should be working for our needs and not going after our desires
that so many do.
This instant marketing usually leads to
failure in the long term, when the bill has to be paid or the foundations for a
relationship were not put firmly into place first. How can you know a person until you have
faced hard times together?
Too many people confuse love and sex. Many women think that they can get their man
by giving into early sexual exploitation and love doesn’t enter into it. Men are mainly seen to be pushing for their
biological needs to be answered ahead of their responsibilities.
When we are given a spiritual gift from On
High, it comes when we are ready for it and when we have earned the right to
enjoy it and use it responsibly. Many
prayers are for immediate delivery and the soul isn’t yet ready to receive.
We all need to explore ourselves and to
understand what we ask for and why we want it to be given to us. The Almighty is not behind the times but has
our best interests at heart and realises when we are ready to receive.
have been given this lifetime on this earth plane to experience and develop into
better spiritual beings. We have the
opportunity to either live a material life of always wanting more for ourselves
or developing spiritually.
We will only receive spiritual gifts when
we have earned them by the proof of our intentions and by the unconditional
love that we give to others. Then we are
ready to receive and the more we give out the more we will be given.
This does not mean that we will live a life
without pain or suffering ourselves, as we will be given difficulties to
overcome. Only then can we understand the
plight of others and, by experiencing them ourselves, we are best place to
empathise with them.
It sometimes seems that the takers and the
selfish always seem to get away with their misdeeds, but this is not so. All are given a chance to change and to
repair some of the damage that they have caused during their lives.
If they
continue to ignore the light of the spiritual path that they were set to follow
for the Greater Good of all, then they will be tested and brought into
situations that they have earned for themselves and cannot retreat from.
They will find that the only salvation that
they can expect is brought to them by doing good for others who are in dire
need themselves and slowly the opportunity will be realised and acted upon.
Remember that the basis of all Spiritual
Law is that you will reap what you sow.
This applies to all souls and even to us who have moved on. Until we redress our errors, we cannot expect
comfort and love to be given to us.
If we do not act to right our wrongs here
on this earth plane but continue to turn our backs on the light from the Source
that sees into every corner so that nothing is missed, then we will continue to
wait in the darkness of ignorance in the life to come.
There, in the next dimension of our lives,
there is no time and so we will wait there for as long as it takes for that
little spark of human kindness to grow.
As it grows help is given and in time that soul will see the error of
its ways and look forward to progress in the spiritual way.
For those of us who have always tried to do
our best, we will be given a review of our lives where we have done well or
maybe not so well. There are always
those from the Highest to help souls through this experience.
It is not something to be feared but something
to understand and it is not a punishment, but the dawning of the realisation of
how we can be pleased with our successes or maybe saddened when we fell short
of the benchmarks that we alluded to.
This dimension that we travel towards every
day, not knowing when our last day on this earth plane may be, is not so much a
death from a tired and worn out body, but a rebirth into our spiritual body as
we enter that land of warmth and unconditional love.
Many have glimpsed it by having out of body
or near-death experiences. They return
with greater knowledge and wisdom and see their lives differently, so that they
can address problems that need solving for all to benefit.
These are not fantasies or dreams but links
in the chain of life, where our Creator first made us to live together as
loving and helpful souls in the great universal scheme of things.
Go in peace and live for the good and each
other and I say Amen to that.