27 August 2018

Let the Little Children Come to Me

          The disciples tried to turn them away because they thought that they were a nuisance and that the grown-ups were more in need of receiving salvation, but it was the innocence of the children that would allow them into the Kingdom of God.

          We all need to understand that it is the innocence of worldly matters that allows us a closeness to God, who is our Creator and made us all in innocence.  From that pure and perfect state of being we must try and keep ourselves perfect still.

          It is the spiritual state of being that holds us close to the Almighty.  He is our Father in his creation of us and, in order to fulfil our earthly lives, we must protect ourselves from that staining of negativity that is all around us.

          For anyone to take away that purity by spoiling the innocence of another, especially for self-gratification, is a most grievous act that deserves punishment both here in this world and certainly in the next one.

          Those who hold themselves up as an example of purity and the teaching of others by example are especially guilty of abusing their status.  There can be no excuse by blaming others, because each of us is responsible for our own actions.

          When a person receives the knowledge of such atrocities, where the young and innocent have been abused, if they cover it up they are condoning the act and are therefore as guilty as the one who committed the folly.

          The coverup is surely to maintain groups or institutions of earthly values only.  They cannot purport to have any spiritual value, as such behaviour is against the unconditional love of our Creator’s gift.

          I have told you to love one another.  This cannot be done by abusing the innocent behind a wall of secrecy.  How can they stand before a congregation and preach the morality of life when is not within themselves?

          If you love each other as I love you, then everyone will know that you are my disciples, but if you abuse the innocent and break the Laws of Heaven, you are not fit to be received by the children of God.

          Know that where deceit and lies are told in my name I am not there!  I came not to condone the evils of the world, but to free the children of God from the slavery of those who used their power over others for their own gratification.

          The strength of the Father Almighty is sufficient to hold all matters within the freewill that He gave us, but that doesn’t mean that they will not have to make amends for their grave errors of judgement.

          Those who commit abuse will have to be abused themselves before they can understand their acts of grievous damage that they inflicted on the innocence.  They will feel the pain and suffering as Spiritual Laws lets them reap what they have sown.

          Asking for forgiveness for the Church is simply to misunderstand the gravity of the misdemeanours.  They were not committed by the Church, but by the individual members of those who work under the cover of the Church.

          All priests and members of that Church, however lofty or lowly, must take the joint responsibility for the acts that are committed in its name.  It is these people that make it a living responsibility that all must shoulder.

          Without these members, whether priestly or congregational, the Church is an empty shell and is a meaningless ruin.  When they bring in their dogma and the man-made rule book, they simply enact a play dressed up in their expensive costumes.

          Know that God does not require any of this frumpery.  The Higher Intelligence deals in simplicity and true values.  As always it is Man who makes it complicated by pandering to thinking in the physical and not in the spiritual.

          The spirituality of religion is largely dismissed, as they don’t know how to handle it.  We are all born with the spirit of the Almighty within us and it is up to us as individuals to find it and to understand what that means to us and to the way we live our lives.

          It is an affront to God, our Creator, to think that we will die.  The physical body is not the end of everything, only the physical body.  Did I not explain clearly enough that in earthly terms our physical body is our temple?

          Did they not hear, or do they not understand that I said that I would rebuild the temple in three days?  After the Crucifixion on the third day I was seen first by my beloved Mary Magdalene and then subsequently by many others including the doubting Thomas.

          At the physical death of the body, the spirit is released.  Those who have lived a good life in helping others and not harming each other will go to a dimension of unconditional love and continue their lives in spiritual form.

          Those who have abused their positions by causing harm and serious damage to the spirits of others, especially the innocent, will be taken elsewhere for them to make amends for their misdemeanours.

          They will experience the pain and suffering that they inflicted upon others.  They will have to make full redress for their selfish acts and make amends before they are allowed to move on at all.

          Those who cast the first stone must be without sin and those who pretend that they are must be able to justify their actions before the Father Creator in all respects.  ‘I’ say Amen to that.