24 April 2018

Give Yourselves the Riches You Deserve

          Allow yourselves the time to rest and meditate in the quietness.  Settle where you cannot be interrupted and know that you are safe and protected.  Allow all earthly thoughts to pass through without comments and soon you will be able to find that peace of mind that balances your very soul.

          It is here that in time you will find enlightenment and guidance from your guides, who work with you and want the very best for you through unconditional love.  This priceless communication cannot be rushed.

          Allow yourself this time on a regular basis when you can be sure that both you and your guides are ready at the same time each day or each week.  This is a signal of your commitment.

          Find that you will first be healed and then you will be made ready through harmony of spiritual vibrations to be in balance, so that those chosen to share this precious time with you can be ready and fully prepared for all that needs to be done and achieved.

          Learn from this power of the Divine that you are special and loved.  Guidance for your life and your progression will be given to you and your burdens eased.  Help and understanding is always given if you are ready to ask.

          I spent much of my time in communication with my Divine Father, who sent me into this world to help explain the spiritual and the divine to all people.  I was guided in what was coming next into my life and how best to give out what was so badly needed.

          It was my regular strength and empowerment that made me feel that I was connected to the Higher Intelligence, who loved me and wanted me to make the very best of all my opportunities that were given to me.

          I was prepared and able to deal with my progression for the greater good as the Higher Intelligence can see what I most needed from a greater perspective.  So, I was always ready to lead and to succeed.

          We all have pathways to walk and come with destinies to fulfil.  If we are prepared to listen to the direction of our needs, we will be given the strength and the opportunities to fulfil them.

          As we travel through our lives, we are confronted by seemingly impossible tasks to endure and to manage ourselves with dignity and love through them.  These are given to see how we cope and for others around us to witness how we manage.

          If we ask for divine assistance, it will always be given to us in such a way that is best for us and for our progression through life.  Sometimes the impossible becomes possible by the miracles that are given to those deserving of them.

          Ask in your thoughts to the Universe and the Higher Intelligence to show you the way through your difficulties and not to simply be removed from them.  What you are given is what you need to surmount and conquer through spiritual love and harmony.

          It is only when a life gets out of balance that there is a need to restructure your positive thoughts and to give and receive healing.  Negative thoughts will only make matters worse and must be discouraged by showing yourself in a positive frame of mind.

          Know that you are helped and saved according to your needs and your requests.  If you can’t see your salvation, look at yourself and your demands on life and understand that all is given and received through Spiritual Law.

          What you give out you will receive back.  I have said this many times that what you sow, so you will receive and according to your seed, so shall you receive the harvest that you deserve.

God never abandons us but gives according to what we deserve and the reasons why we ask for it.  To ask for selfish material situations to relieve us of our duties to our fellow man and to simply take from others, will not be answered in the way that we may hope for.

Charity is within us all and we need to understand that through our Divide Creator we are all linked and need to work as one for the greater good.  By taking time out to meditate and find peace of mind, we are able to receive the riches that will direct us.

By allowing our guides to direct our lives in love and harmony, we are able to live a balanced life, so that all may gain from our presence here and ‘God’s gift of unconditional love to us can be used to fulfil the needs of those around us.

Live in peace and see the power of the divine direct us through our quiet time that we give back to Him to show that we are living in His enlightenment for the betterment of all.  I say Amen to that.