The message to all people is that we were all made in unconditional
love by our Father Creator. We are
therefore all connected and must realise that, because we are all one. What we do to one is what we do to all. That cannot and will not ever change.
I was asked, “Who is my neighbour?”
I told the parable
of the Good Samaritan, who came across a man who had been beaten and robbed on
the roadside after a priest and then a Levite had passed him by. This Samaritan
stopped and gave him medical attention and took him to a nearby inn, where he
paid the Landlord to look after him until he returned.
This was a
neighbourly act of kindness, because he felt compassion for the man, who needed
great support. Despite the differences
between the priest, the Levite and the Samaritan, it was the latter who stopped
and gave aid.
It doesn’t matter if
you are a Christian, an Arab or a Jew, you are still neighbours. One God made us all and we are bound to help
each other by Spiritual Law. Those who
recognise this, and act accordingly, will be rewarded by the seeds that they
sowed growing into riches.
This parable was told some two thousand years ago and yet it is just as true today. In the modern world, we are all too busy building walls to divide us instead of building bridges between what we have in common.
The segregation of countries from each other is causing greater dangers than it solves. Russia, the United States and China have much in common and should be working together for peace and harmony in this world. They all have so much to lose.
There is still so
much prejudice between the colour of a person’s skin, their sexual orientation
and religious indoctrination that there appears to be little in common but a
desire to have power and control over ones’ neighbours.
Globally speaking,
it does not matter how far you may live apart, you are still connected through
our very creation into a world, where all people have the same ambitions to
live in peace and in a family unit of love and appreciation.
However, there is
too much competition resulting between those who have more than they know what
to do with and those who are struggling to stay alive. There is so much greed and opportunities to
scam the unwary out of their savings by behaving like a wolf in sheep’s
clothing and peddling hard luck stories to the gullible in need of a friend.
So, who are our
neighbours? Can we believe what we are
told? Do we need to be wary? We cannot take every situation today on trust
and we need to be able to take stock before we act. If we are givers in a world of takers, we
need to beware!
God never told us
that we had to be an easy fix for everybody else. He asks us to trust in His unconditional love
that he unstintingly gives to each and every one of us. In turn, we are all able to give this love to
others, but in order to choose the right partner to live with, we need to
examine what we want to make us happy.
We are all made together
as one human race and we all have similar experiences and desires, so we are all
able to use our freewill to choose the best person to live with without
expecting them to change.
Leopards do not change
their spots! Bad habits are too difficult
for most people to change and usually they like the way it works and will selfishly
continue to take what they want without considering the other’s feelings.
There is too much
pain and suffering in this world, brought about because those who inflict it
turn their backs on their conscience leaving the goodness that was created in
us to be ignored through the selfish acts of greed and lack of compassion.
We must recognise
who our neighbour is and what they want from us. Do not force on them what you want them to
take away. It is a learning process of
understanding, where we stand on the issues of common sense and morality.
Life needs to be
kept in balance and this produces harmony, and this makes for peace. We all need to learn what we all have in
common and to keep these matters in the forefront of our minds. To seek to divide is a recipe for disaster.
Too much in politics
is about dividing and ruling and this brings about misery to everybody, even
those who seek to control by making power over others. Spiritual Law decrees that one can’t profit
out of the misery of others.
It is only a
question of time, as the gains will be short-lived and the policy of reaping
what you sow is very strong and is unchanging.
Those who turn their backs of the Heavenly Understanding of God’s Love
and Law, will see and feel His Might fall upon them.
Unconditional love
means that you give without seeking a reward for it. It does not mean that you can use your
freewill to abuse it and get away unpunished.
That is not the way of the Divine.
We all need to stand
in another person’s shoes for a time to see and feel what it is like to suffer
from the uncaring. We must look to our
neighbours and to feel what they need and what is there for us to give in
balance and harmony.
All our actions must
be with our eyes open. We are able to
give what we can. We should help those
who are in need, not for what we can get out of it, but because we care so pain
and suffering can be eased.
Remember that Samaritan
and know that we never know when we may need him or her to give us that helping
hand and I say Amen to that.