We take so much for
granted that it is not until it has gone that we start to appreciate what we
had. Love, security and peace of mind
are some of these things. What is
important is to realise how blessed we all are and to give thanks to the Higher
Intelligence for making all this possible.
All gifts from our
Creator are earned by our good behaviour and our appreciation of the needs of
others. It is perhaps at this time of
year that we start to look at the giving and receiving of gifts and see
reflected in them what the giver thinks of us.
We can rarely see
ourselves as others perceive us and it is through their impressions that we are
seen and recognised in character and accomplishments. We need to be aware that our behaviour is
seen as showing who we really are.
Many souls are in
too much of a hurry to care what people think of them, as they push and shove
through the crowded streets making it clear that they consider themselves more
important than the rest.
Simple actions are
still seen occasionally like opening the door for a lady or giving up one’s
seat for a pregnant woman. It can be
noticed that this is not the norm by the way that others stare at the giver
here, as if it is considered a rarity.
Perhaps the world
would be considered a better place, if people of both sexes thought a bit more
about the reaction to their actions. By
behaving badly there are negative energies produced that will rebound from
those who are hurt by them.
Goodness is an
underused word and it seems to be understood to show weakness. Yet it needs strength to do what is right in
a world of today, when so many ignore these opportunities to help others
without any reward.
There is a thought
process in so many minds that asks what is in it for them! These egotistic souls appear to lack an
understanding outside their own mind-sets, which hold the whole basis of Godliness
through goodness.
Religion has nothing
to do with this, because it is a spiritual thing, which is bound up with our
own conscience, which will always guide us as to what is good and what is
not. Naturally, many of us choose the
more kindly approach to help without any thought of reward.
Others however think
that by turning their back on their conscience, they become stronger and bigger
in the eyes of those around them. This
is the darker side of our negative world of today.
An examination of
the news reports shows that our fellow man is behaving outrageously to other
members of humanity, even as far as trying to eliminate whole races of people
that they don’t like.
This is the topside,
where nations standby and allow atrocities to happen by hiding behind the
notion that it is none of their business.
Who is prepared to stand up against the flow, when matters are clearly
Even in the streets
and byways, so many walk by on the other side and do not move a muscle to help
those in need. There are pressures on
those less able to defend themselves, especially women and children, who are
often ignored.
Organisations of
charity are expected to cope by the giving of small amounts of money, so that
others give the necessary help that is needed, but this is usually too late to
save souls from massive pain and mental strain.
These scars are
difficult to heal. Many will not be able
to lead a normal life ever again. We all
need to be aware of those little things that we can do to give that helping
hand when the need arises. We are all
able to let our conscience rule for the better.
Be aware of what you
can give for others around you, so that giving and helping become a natural
part of you daily routine. Let those who
you share this life with be blessed by your charity and love for them.
Givers and takers
are so often misaligned and some think that it should be enough for the givers
to give and the takers to take, as if this was a natural law of life. To give without knowing the value of what
you give unconditionally to those who show no gratitude, is to waste your
gifts, when they should go to those who are appreciative and are worthy to
To give because you
can, is sometimes like pouring water into the sand. If what you give is unappreciated, and the
hand is held out for more of the same, then save your gift for where it is
appreciated and see unconditional love returned with gratitude.
Remember that the world is made up of
givers and takers. The givers need to be
aware to whom they give. The takers
should address themselves to understanding that they shouldn’t expect to
continually have their own way with gifts from the givers.
In this material world of seeking to make
profit out of every transaction, understand that you can only take your spirit
with you when you are moved from this earth plane. For those who care and have lived for the
Greater Good, they will be met by unconditional love.
For many in this
material world of greed and corruption, there are many roads of putting right
what one has done for oneself and to learn the happiness and joy of giving
unconditionally to those around one.
Then the souls of
goodness can be reunited by the righteousness of service, which the Higher
Intelligence directs to all those who have earned these blessings and know that
through the truth and the love all things become
possible and 'I' say Amen to that.