We all need to look at the progress in our
lives and to distinguish between the material and the spiritual. The material is easy enough to see where we
are going, but the spiritual is a little more difficult.
This is the way that
we all have to express ourselves in the Presence of the Lord, which will show
us the way to the Father Creator, who made us all in his image and directs our
passage through life.
Through The Master
Jesus is the way to the Father and I always said that I was the Way, the Truth
and the Life. I brought the word, so
that you could hear and read what I said all these years ago.
The parables that I told are still bearing
fruit today, if your read them and are prepared to learn how to live through
Spiritual Law, which has not changed and is still the way that we all reap what
we sow.
By following
Spiritual Law, we all set our feet firmly on the way that Our Father created
all things. He gave us freewill, so that
we could choose our path and walk with Him in unconditional love or on our own
in the darkness of ignorance.
The choices are
simple and we can all act in the way that we feel most comfortable. We are directed by our own conscience, which
is God-given and will always show us right from wrong, if we listen to it and
act accordingly.
Through this and
through the thoughts that come into your mind, you will know what is the right
action to take. There is a constant
stream of information coming from On High, if only we pause to listen to it in
the quietness of our earthly lives.
As to the truth,
that is the only right-minded way to live and communicate. Falsehoods lead to false lives and those who
fail to live by the truth will not prosper and will fail to make any worthwhile
progress in their lives.
They will reap what
they sow and will attract the likeness of what they put out, which will be an
unpleasant reminder of their folly. It
will approach them in due time and the message will be made clear to them that
they will not get away with their bad behaviour and actions.
It is a culmination
of all these things that build up the direction of one’s life. There is a path mapped out for us to follow
and, if we chose to turn aside, we will be gently guided back on to the right
way again.
We all come here to
this earth plane of existence to fulfil certain needs that were entrusted to us
and we will succeed to the level of our endeavours. Nobody is a failure, as we all learn from our
time here and develop accordingly.
We soon learn the
levels of energies that are positive and those that are negative. It is through learning what these feel like
that we move into the energies where we feel most comfortable.
Here we have the
chance to live in positive energy and create a worthwhile life for ourselves to
act by Spiritual Law and to think and act for the greater good. Rewards are not necessary for helping
When we act out of
kindness, we do so without thinking of a reward. It is something that we see and understand
naturally, as there is a problem or distress that has occurred and we are able
to help and so we do.
We will find that as
we did good for others, so good will come our way and we will not necessarily
connect these happenings, but simply sending out our thanks for what we have
received is enough.
If we go seeking
rewards for our actions, we will find that things will not run smoothly for us
and the Law will return to us what we sought to take for our services to
another in need. We will find that we will
be in need and there will be no easy way out of it for us, as we didn’t make it
easy when we had the chance.
If you live your
lives feeling that all that you do and think is known to others, then you will
give out what you wish to receive back again.
This is in fact so, because when you pass from here your recorded
actions and reactions will be shown to you.
Without looking back
at our lives here, we cannot hope to learn from our mistakes and errors and so
gently we will be guided to progress further than we were able to in the here
and now.
Know that I am here
for you whenever you ask and I say again that if you seek with the right intentions
you will find that I will be there to help you in your best interests. Love is the key to all progression and
everything created was built in that.
Know that there are
vast universes out beyond your understanding and, that from this little corner
of one of them, you need to become a loving and genuine soul to pass on into
the next dimension of your eternal life.
It is up to you how
long you take. Our Heavenly Father gave
us all life to be eternal and when our body wears out here on earth, we are
taken into the next place with love and harmony
According to how we
have lived, so we earn a place in the next world, which will be our lily pad
for a while in order to move on with our progression towards Our Father when we
are ready.
So, we must prepare
and by our good deeds so we will be known and I say Amen to that.