22 June 2015

Be Careful What You Wish For

Be aware that your mistakes and errors in this life cannot be forgiven by a man who purports to hear your confessions or uses any other excuse to absolve you from your obligations.

We are all held responsible for our lives and all our thoughts and actions are recorded and will be presented to us when we pass from this earth plane.  Those of you who turn away will not be comforted to know this.

There is a saying that says, “Be careful what you wish for.”  It is worthy of reflection and to be gullible enough to believe that a man can put himself in ‘God’s’ place and wash away your actions that have been against your fellow man is to be naïve in the highest degree.

          We all have to face and stand up for our own responsibilities.  Nobody can walk our path for us.  That is only for us to decide and achieve.  We can be guided and influenced by others, but in the end game it comes down to us.

          We must make sure that we have always done the right thing and we must be sure not to judge others, as that way we will be judged accordingly.  There is only one right way to live and that is in compassion for one’s fellow beings around us.

          We are all linked in some way or another.  This may be difficult for many to see, but as the mass communications and trade worldwide reveals, we are dependent on each other for all things at all times.

          We must start to realise that we cannot simply turn our backs on anything that we don’t like or is distasteful to us.  We all need to stand up and be counted, because on this earth plane we are all together as one.

          We are individually a small part of the whole and, as one drop of water joins with many others to make a mighty ocean, so we must play our part.  If we fail to live right and bring negativity to that ocean we will ‘colour’ the whole, slightly but enough to make a difference and as like attracts like, so we discolour the whole and change its status.

           This applies equally the other way around, so that if our positive energies can join together with other positive energies then the whole is strengthened and transformed.  This is what we all need to do, think positively as one and go forward together as one.

          We were all given a conscience and so we know what is right and what is wrong.  It is no use turning away and not listening as many do today, because in time it will bring about a downfall and, as we can all see, this earth plane is already in decline due to the bad practices and mistakes that have been made not once, but time and time again.

          It is not too late to turn back to the teachings that I brought all that time ago.  Many have listened and turned my words to their own advantage and there are cells of misreading all around the world.  Religion is not the answer, as all can see now that the proof has been shown through all religious houses.

          None of them are fit for purpose as they abuse others for their own purposes, whether that shows up as sexual abuse, rank extremism or the genocide of another race.  All these show within the walls that they have built to keep out the prying eyes.

          These matters can only be conquered by individuals going into their own hearts and minds and listening to their own conscience and realising for themselves what is right and what is wrong and, as they do so, they need to communicate with others who are receiving like messages showing how to live and share, so that a better world can be established.

          As soon as people start to take for themselves and stop putting the Greater Good first, we all start to slip down that slippery slope that will lead this world into disaster and eventually it will be no more, as it will be burnt out without resources, because Mankind proved that he was greedy and corrupt and couldn’t be turned from hate into love.

          Many people will blame anybody but themselves and you will hear them ask why the Government can’t do something or why ‘God’ doesn’t do something about it.  It is always somebody else’s problem.

          The answer to that is, “No!  It isn’t!”  It is everybody’s problem to put matters right and to start to work together for a better world, where resources are not squandered and the better course is always followed, because it is the right thing to do and not because of those who have their own agendas of selfishness and greed.

          The whole matter is one of simplicity and that is why we were put on this earth plane to make a difference for the better and to leave it in a better state than before we came.  Sadly that is an illusionary problem, because, as the religions have gained sway in the minds of the people, they have lost the spiritual reality that ‘God’ in not a dirty word, but is a Creator of love and wisdom.  This Greater Intelligence expects us all to do our bit to help.

          As Spiritual Law simply states and, as I have so often taught, “You reap what you sow”.  The answer to an action is predictable to those who keep this Law for it will not be denied and neither should you be.

I say Amen to that.