18 May 2015

Charity Begins at Home

          Wait until you can see the right way to go ahead and only then take the chosen road.  Too many people make snap decisions these days and the future has to be lived through whether one has made the right choice or not!

          It is a fact of life that what you sow so you reap, as I have said many times.  Thought of the consequents of one’s actions must be considered carefully if one is to take the right way through life on this earth plane.

          All the actions that we determine in some way or another affect those around us and there are many souls, who have to clean up the mess that other people have left behind.  It is the compassion for them that needs to be always addressed before we act.

          Acts of goodness create an aura of positive vibrations and lead to love being given and accepted, as they are made without the expectation of reward – otherwise they would not be acts of goodness, but a means to an end of acquiring rewards.

          Too many people these days, all around the world, are holding out their hands asking what is in it for them if they do something for another or others.  It is the old banking adage that everything done must make a profit.

          The days of doing a good act for the satisfaction alone that one has helped another, is apparently a thing of the past to most people.  However, there are souls who have given their lives to helping others, because they need help and that is sufficient reason.

          In the modern world, charities have become big business and many people feel that it is up to them to do the helping of those in need or else it should be the Government that should to do something about it.

          This is a very inhuman way of looking at those who often, through no fault of their own, have found themselves in deprived situations.  So much occurs through the action of wars and violence across many lands or even in the home.

          It is so often a question of the bullying of the weak by the strong that causes so much misery.  Countries rarely go to war without believing that they have overwhelming odds to win and attain victory, but then they leave a broken society with smashed infrastructure and damaged souls that faced the extreme horrors and brutality of war.

          In the family place and in schools, there are those abused and bullied children, who carry the scars of fear and misery throughout their lives.  Women are battered within their own home by the stronger ego of unseeing and uncaring minds of the bullies without conscience.

           It is a sorry world that humanity has created, because without thinking through each and every action, there are issues, which hurt and maim others without the care of love to protect them.  Love is the protection of the soul.

          Acts of love do happen, as saintly souls work for the benefit of groups of people, where disaster has turned their world into a place of famine or war-torn carnage.  Homeless souls on the street are often befriended by people, who give from their own resources simply touched by the distress of others.

          It is a hard heart that walks by on the other side when they have the means to help another without even feeling the lost to their own resources.  Often others, who have less, give more value than they can afford, like the woman who gave her last penny, which was all that she had.

          I would urge all of you who read my words to think about what you have and what you take for granted and then allow your mind to see where you can benefit others, who have lost what they had and are fallen into difficulties through no fault of their own.

          There are times in all our lives when we need a helping hand due to illness or sadness and loss.  We hope that there is someone who can give us that love and care that we need, so that we can recover and, in doing so, give our thanks to the angels of peace who come unbidden, but shame us all in their charity without any reward.

          Everyone on this earth plane has certain rights due to them of food and water, shelter and education, medical attention when required and peace of mind.  If it is within our reach, we should be prepared to give what we can and to be even handed to all our fellow men, women and children, as we would hope that others would help us and/or our families should that need arise.

          Remember that the positive thoughts and actions are returned to us many fold, but those that fail to act for the Greater Good will be without when their need arises, as they left others without their support and kindness.