22 March 2014

Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide

Take a good look at your life and see what you have achieved and what you need to put on track, because what you do today shapes tomorrow.  It is so easy to sleepwalk through life and then find out that you have really done nothing with it.

Our Father Creator gives us every opportunity to love our fellow man, woman and child, so that we can share all our ups and downs together and so equalise our state of being together in harmony.

It seems that this method of living has been somewhat lost through the growth of individual egos and the path to riches at whatever cost to others.  Today there is no saving up for a new gadget in the commercial world, because it must be had now and paid for tomorrow.

Nobody shares any more as each must have their own and so it all becomes a status symbol as to what each has in material terms and hardly ever is it noticed how a soul grows in richness with the spiritual way of life.

Material clutter cannot be taken into the next dimension, where life continues and spiritual achievements are honoured, as progression towards the giver of life and love and where the joy is felt whenever one soul enacts with love for a fellow being.

Taking time for each other is a way of harmonising together.  All souls have issues that are not always clear and, by sharing them, so often it becomes a fulfilling for mutual benefits as in giving and receiving of enlightenment.

The joy felt when another has experienced a moment of truth is fulfilling to both and the truth is the only way that justice and enlightenment can become a way of life for the better.

We all need encouragement and seeing that we are progressing and moving on in the right direction.  We all feel good when we are praised for our successes and we know that we have reached another’s heart and mind.

People cannot always see the way ahead when complex issues cloud their judgement, as this world is full of clouds of confusion that blind the uninitiated.  It is only through spiritual guidance that the true way can be found.

When we look within ourselves and understand in the quietness of our own soul who and what we truly are, then we can adapt our way of being to fulfil the life that Our Creator intended us to lead.

However, too often we are too busy to stop and try and find the quietness within, when we can communicate with our guides and helpers and listen to our own conscience directing us through the right avenues of life and safeguarding us from the wrong ones.

Nevertheless we are never alone unless we choose that path and turn our backs on the unconditional love that emanates from above, which warms our hearts and minds so that we know that we can never be lost and always will be looked after as all creations are.

Not everybody chooses to serve his fellow men and women in devotion of service, but those who do are fulfilled and blessed.  Those who chose this way of life are instinctively guided along their path and are usually nurses and doctors, who brave the rigors of remote lands where people are in most need.

Regardless of risk to their own lives they help others, usually through organisations that have resources and specialist back up, but even in the small communities where you may live there are souls who can be depended on to do the community work that is needed.

We all need to see where there is a lack of kindness and love to be fulfilled, so that we might consider the plight of others where we feel that we can do more than just sending out our prayers.

Healers know the feeling of giving the power of the Almighty to bring comfort to others and sometimes miracles are born and cures are given that cannot be given my Man’s own medical resources.

Remember how I explained who your neighbour was and don’t walk by on the other side.  We are all at risk of being the victim at some moments of our lives and we all need the help of others, so if we give to our neighbours where we can, there will be some help due to us when we too are in need.

Look around the world and see what is going on outside your own little circle.  See the hopelessness in places where love has been sucked out and only hatred and fear rule there.  Think of the abused children who have lost their childhoods and often their families.

Send them your love and ask for healing, so that those who serve our Father Creator in practice and not just by giving him lip service, can be found there to aid the needy and you will have helped to lift the negativity that is lodged in so many minds these days.

If we all did a little bit more it would make a difference, so do what you can and listen to your conscience.  The Higher Intelligence has special ways of being heard, so listen for his guidance and do his will.  Amen to that.