17 August 2013

Be Content with All that You Have

Now is a good time to stop and take stock of what you really believe in.  Do you know that there is a Higher Intelligence, a Creative Father, who gave us life and made our earthly existence possible?

Throughout the world at this time, there are forces that are attacking each other to get power over the people and to compress their lives into slavery, work in poverty and are made to go without the basic necessities of life.

We all have a part to play in this new world order, as the comfort zones are destabilised and we are all drawn into the fray in some way or another.  It is no good trying to walk away and keeping the status quo in your lives – those days have gone.

We all stand on the edge of great disruption, as areas of the Middle East start to explode into violence and sides are drawn up against each other.  These are no respecters of national borders and are and will continue to overflow, because they are based on ideals and creeds far to the right of normal considerations.

There are bodies of people at work who are stirring up people against people, so that they can bring in ideologies of extremists that are no respecters of human rights and of the sacredness of human life.

Our Father, who gave that life to us, is known by many different names and is quoted as saying many different things.  Throughout history many religious fanatics have always quoted him being on their side.

Our Creative Father is not on anybody’s side, but looks to us all to live in harmony and peace and to help each other with those little difficulties that we face in life together.  We need to share what we have and to bring up our children to respect and love the Law, both Spiritual Law and the Law of the Land.

The dis-ease that is spreading is an anarchy that destroys all that had been achieved through the hard work and suffering of good people working together for the Greater Good.  Now, there are hotspots where the people are trampled on and encouraged to riot and break the Law to allow hotheads to take control for their own advantage.

We all have a great personal responsibility to consider in our lives and our actions in the light of what we believe within ourselves and to look up to the Higher Intelligence and ask for help and guidance for what we can do and then to carry out what we will instinctively know to be true and right.

Mankind cannot be allowed to be broken with corruption and false promises and allow the destruction of all that has been achieved throughout this once beautiful world.  The size of the dis-ease around the world is greater than ever before and it must be stopped before it has gone too far.

All those years ago, I came to bring good news from the Higher Intelligence and to show that there was a way to live together and share all responsibilities for the Greater Good.  I did not give orders to be obeyed, but showed the people how they could find peace and harmony within themselves by acting for each other.

If you treat your neighbour as you would like to be treated yourself, then that is a good start, but do we see this happening around the world?  Blood of the innocent is being spilt and the women and children are losing their families, as members are cruelly taken from them.

We must all ask what we can do to bring voices of sanity to calm the irate and inflamed anger of those who are not thinking in their right minds and fail to acknowledge the presence of the Higher Intelligence, whose message is the same to all nations and beliefs.

“Love your brother and sister as yourself, because you are all equal in my sight.  Share all that you have with each other and trade together in peace and bury the hatchets of greed and corruption.  Be contented with all that you have, because you will always have enough if you share your love with me and all those who I have sent to be around you.”
