14 May 2012

It Is Never Too Late To Turn a Corner

Now that the dust is settling all over the world and the dangers and difficulties are becoming apparent, it is high time that we all did our own bit to help the flow of progression towards the many people, who are in some personal difficulties beyond their own control.

Too many people have been left behind in the empty oasis of life’s wellbeing.  The basic human rights are not being taken care of, although there are many organisations who profess to bring justice and peace, but almost always after the event.

It is high time that the disasters of the world, both manmade and natural, where foreseen and dealt with before there is a tsunami of desolation wiping its way through the unprepared and lonely people.

These people are lonely because they have been left behind by the wealthy societies, who have reached out and taken for themselves and left the needy both poor and abused – so much for the hand of friendship, which is proffered before they take.

To be aware, and I mean truly aware, of these terrible atrocities that are committed in the name of peace and good will, it is necessary to be there or at least read and watch the experiences of those who have been there.

In order to make an impact to a largely uncaring public, these shocking events must be made apparent and felt in their daily lives.  People must take personal responsibility to do something positive and not to just tut-tut and allow that responsibility to be placed on somebody else’s shoulders.

Many are visiting the distressed areas, namely reporters hungry for a story and aid workers, who give up the easy life for an opportunity to serve the communities, who are most distressed and at risk.

When the areas of damage are reduced and the spotlight is turned off, then many forget the past tragedy and move on with their lives in whatever way that they feel fitting, but I am saying to you that they should then be working to eradicate the causes of these disasters.

Science is a servant to the communities of the world and all information should be shared.  This is more available through the Internet and Scientific Journals, but I am asking you what is being done by the people and by the people’s governments to foresee these events before they become blown out of all proportions.

Mankind, as leader on the effects upon the safety and the survival of this planet and its natural resources, has to take a responsibility for not only his actions upon the planet, but also of the effects that have long term implementations on the future of the people, as well as the fauna and flora that stabilise the balance necessary for this Earth to remain a success and survive.

It is no good just looking at the day to day problems and putting a patch of band aid over these wounds, but basic action must be taken to heal these wounds for tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.

Short term gains are only a grain of sand in the desert or a drop of water in the ocean.  Long term stability is needed if this planet and its people are to have a safe haven for all those who came afterwards.

A man and a woman tend to see only the future of the family members around them and fail to have a dream about the dynasty of their offspring in the decades and millennia to come.

All must wake up and heed the call to be attentive, to stopping the rot and cleaning up the ongoing mess that is systematically destroying the riches of life, given to all on this Earth and not just the few greedy and grasping souls, who have a black hole instead of a heart, because they only worship themselves and their luxury and never listen to their conscience, which tells them to heed the future and be responsible for what they sow.

On this earth, we are all going to reap the seeds sown by the narrowed minded and the uncaring, unless we stand up for the rights of all, men, women and children and stop the rot and the abuse, so that there is a future and not just a past.

I urge you to send out your thoughts for the greater good and believe in the wisdom of the Universal Forces to change the mind-sets of those who wish to destroy us all in their insatiable greed for their own luxury and self-aggrandisement.

It is never too late to turn a corner.  If you don’t, you will continue in the same path and never see anything different from the view ahead, when there is so much to enjoy and save for those who walk behind you…