Today marks a new increase in the awareness, which is being sent to the surface of this planet by the Divine Universal Consciousness. It is for everybody to accept and understand.
Let you be in no doubt. It is for every man, woman and child to have the right of freedom, love and understanding.
No single group of people holds any rights over others and it is for each and every human being on Earth to accept or reject the teachings, which are sent from the Higher Consciousness to all people.
For far too long men and women have accepted what they were told through the power of organisations, whether Christian, Jewish or Muslim. They do not have all the answers and only a glimmer of the truth.
The indoctrination is almost total, but many are now seeing a light of truth within themselves and are starting to understand that there is a complete truth outside the box. The old barriers are no longer holding the water of enlightenment and truth.
To understand what I am talking about it is necessary to question the philosophies of these groups and to see that they are interpreting the so called scriptures to suit themselves in the control over their congregations not only in the Churches, the Synagogues or the Mosques, but in the daily lives of their people.
Why is it that the people are held in fear, when the true teachings are of love and harmony? Why are some citizens treated as ‘second class’, because they are coloured, gentiles or women? Why is there a structure to enlist a child, before it has had time to form any opinions of its own?
I say, “Suffer little children to come unto me”, because they come into this world in innocence and have the right to being loved and cherished, as well as protected from the negativity and abuse that is running rife in the world of ours.
“Give me a child for their first seven years and I will show you the man or woman to be.” That is so often heard, but rarely obeyed in the true sense of helping a child to understand the true and important values of love and harmony and helping others.
Instead it is used to repress and chain that child to a way of life that constricts its thinking to new ideas and binds it with the old dogma that has bound humanity to the wheel of pain and slavery to the power that be.
Where has gone that personal responsibility to bring up children through their childhood years, to appreciate the beauties of life and to have fun and enjoy their playtime before they are tied to the wheel of life to earn and support the family and the nation?
There has to be a balance restored, so that the evils of today’s world in all societies that abuse the young and try to infect them to a life of prostitution and drugs, to simply kill them inside and make money for those who have power over them.
We all have to take some responsibility for not speaking out and for allowing these monstrous measures to continue within the family, the community and our country of origin.
‘Honest people’ look within their own mind-sets and see the abuse all around them and try to find ways of stopping it and allowing that basic right of freedom within to be available to all and to banish the ritual evils, which hold human life so cheaply – other life that is, not their own!
Make no mistake that life continues after the so called death, which I came to prove in the most public and also painful way to show all people, both Jews and Gentiles, that through the resurrection, life continues far beyond the grave.
Every single person on this Earth, regardless of their colour, their religion or the inhumanity to their fellow man, will live on to take responsibility for what they have or haven’t done. Please don’t let the sacrifices of others go in vain.
Let each and every one of you who reads these words, stop and think in the quietness of your own consciences, what is best for the greater good of all and dissuade yourself of individual longing of self and ego.
I leave you with this thought, “Could any Universal Creator make living and thinking beings, simply to die in hardship and despair, to only enjoy the pains in life and not allow them the opportunities of the true love and harmony of divine peace to come to them in time, when they had earned this right for themselves?”
What you call ‘God’ does bless you all, but gives you the freedom of choice, truth and example for you to live by, if only you would listen to your conscience, which is the Satnav of the soul. Amen.