Go between the devil and the deep blue sea and you will find that there is a way to live in harmony and peace. The centre ground is almost always the way to be and all of us need to be reassured that we are taking the right and proper path.
Even in my days all those years ago, I needed to be in contact with my ‘Father in Heaven’ to accept his will and do what he wanted for his plan and not to contemplate what I thought that I needed for myself.
Is it so different today? So many people seem to know in their own mindsets what they consider to be right and go out for what they want and do not get by with simply what they need.
How many souls on this earth plane ask for the guidance from the Spirit to see them on the correct pathway in life and how many seemed not to care, because anything, to so many people, concerning the ‘God’ word or prayer reeks of religion?
Religion is Man’s interpretation of the facts. Is it possible that what Mankind had set up is greater than what ‘God’ has set up? Isn’t this all about a personal relationship between you and your Maker?
Surely each and every soul is not so utterly naïve as to think that when they pass on into the ‘next world’ they can rely on the religion of their choice to stand by them and see them through the first stages of the new life?
I can assure you that as far as this is concerned it is a one to one situation, when you have to stand up for your self and explain your conduct in this life. Nobody else knows what you were thinking or why you behaved and reacted in the way that you did.
All your thoughts and actions are seen and recorded and you will face them as you try to move on after passing and all your dues will be paid before you can reach that place that you have reserved for yourself.
In the way of things it can be no other way. You will go where you deserve by your actions and the results will be according to the Spiritual Law, which we must all obey or suffer for it.
What you sow so shall you reap. Have you not heard that I said this many times and it has also been repeated after my time here on the earth plane of existence? How is it then that most people act as though they have never heard it and they seem to believe that they will get away with their errors of behaviour to others?
There is help if you seek it and that door will be opened to you if you ask in the right and proper manner. For all those who want to become better and have a useful life to lead, so that they make a difference by their being here, will succeed.
Nobody is deserted. Even those who have fallen at many of the opportunities to conquer their deficiencies will be helped if they ask and listen to the replies and go into the quietness within themselves and honestly mean what they ask for.
Let there never be a time when you say, “Yes, I will, but not just now because I am not ready.” By putting off today what you will need to do tomorrow, you are effectively saying that you never will, because when tomorrow comes, it will still be today and you will put it off again.
None of us know when we shall be called through the veil that separates this life from the next. Last minutes changes of mind do not work or carry much favour, because all your mistakes are still there, left unaccounted for and intensions are not enough.
This world is going through very many changes, whether you accept that it affects you personally or not. I say to you that each and every person will be affected and will have to change their ways and share what they have and consider others beside themselves.
Take a good long look at what is happening around this world and set yourselves up with the Spirit to lead you into the safety of humility, harmony and a love of others. Calm your ego and your bravado.
One thing is certain. This is not the end of the world, but the beginning of a new spiritual age and you can be a part of it or not – the choice is yours and so are the consequences. Amen.