26 April 2010

Care about the Greater Good of Humanity


Try to meet me half way as I am here for you to make the transition from the earthly understandings of this plane of existence and to realise the truth of the spiritual aspects of reality.


We were all created in love by our 'Father' in spiritual form and only came to this matter world for experience and to understand the emotions that exist throughout the Universe.


This plane of existence, where you and I have come to bring about an understanding of the truth of all that is, cannot be undertaken when the material temptations override the spiritual needs of individuals.


The reality calls for a balance, but so many are today driven by greed and avarice to accumulate more and more and at the price even of their own soul and their own degeneration.


There is nothing wrong with working hard and accumulating material comforts to make life an easier option, but what is not right is the extremes that some people go to in order to acquire what they want.


Living in love and understanding for those around one is to care about the greater good of humanity and to deny oneself personal advancement and accumulation by taking it out of the hands and mouths of others.


Each and every soul who comes down to experience life on this planet has rights.  That is certain.  What has to be established in the minds of the people is that when they want something for themselves, what effect has it on others?


To take away what another needs to exist in harmony and love, is to cause destruction of another's soul.  First it causes damage and then, if continually applied, far reaching harm can and does occur.


Many trampled and almost destroyed souls return to the next dimension because others have abused them and caused them so much hurt and deprivation that they need much healing from those who dedicate themselves to this noble work.


And so I say to you all, "Please think about what you do and how you administer your rights, because you are not alone and each and every soul has an effect on their neighbours and their neighbour's neighbours."


Look with sympathy on those who have been abused, because all of us have been at sometime or another, but the amount of pain varies from soul to soul and each and every one is entitled to understanding and love.


Let the balm in your heart stretch out to all you can help with a soft word or an action of love, so that in your smile they know that they are not alone and that they can feel a strength coming into their daily lives to carry on and do their best.

Some souls give up because nobody shares their misery.  Every action has an equal and opposite reaction and the giving of love to another promotes a continuance of that generosity and helps to quell the pain.


Give what you can for your fellow man and take not what he has lest a thief comes in the night and takes away what you have collected for yourself.


Remember that you bring nothing into this dimension except your good intensions and you leave with nothing except the results of what you have achieved in helping those around you to cope with what their lives have thrust upon them.