12 September 2019

The Power of Healing is a Gift from God

          Many of you will remember the lady, who touched my garment believing that she would be healed.  When she touched it, I felt a disturbance in the healing power that my Father had given me. 

          My disciples didn’t understand that this healing power was felt by me as I was healing and by those who received it and so they were healed.  “How could it be felt in a crowd of jostling people that are walking with us?” they asked.

          When a healer has the gift of healing from our Father Creator, according to his worthiness, so the level of the healing power will be given.  Healers will know this, as their power is increased according to the level that they use His gift to help others.

          This lady in question, touched my robe asking for healing from God and it was granted.  As I told her, her faith had made her whole.   My disciples had not yet learned the power of healing, but they would and in time become healers in their own right.

          Today in the 21st century, there are many health problems that are felt by so many people.  Changes in the lifestyle causing stress and eating habits have produced more bodily defects that require pharmaceutical treatments and often surgery as well.

          Many medical men refuse to believe in any form of treatment other than what they are taught in a scientific way.  They refuse to understand, or even attempt to understand, that there are alterative treatments that bring miraculous cures and quality of life.

          It is so often the case that when the medics have failure to cure their patients, they send them home with a death sentence of so many months to live.  It is only then, that in desperation, the diagnosed start to search for an alternative treatment.

          Many find what they are looking for and find an experienced healer working with energies that have been honed and adapted in the World of Spirit using guides and specialists to treat them.

          Much of my ministry on earth was in healing those who came to me.  I used the gift that I had received from my Father, which was a direct line to his unconditional love and healing energies.

          Souls are not called back home to the Spirit World until their time is decided by the Creator who made them.  There are many examples of patient’s living long after the predictions of the medical advisors, who are often ignorant of any alternative treatments.

          Is this because in their arrogance they fail to accept that anyone else has a greater power to heal than they do?  How many medical men and women can accept that there is a Higher Intelligence above their own?

          There is this same old argument that Science is the ‘God’ of all things and that if Science can’t prove it, then it doesn’t exist.  This attitude is left over from the Church’s denial of the simple facts, such as the world is round and not flat.

          One can’t totally blame the medics, who have been taught with a narrow mind and won’t allow for the miracles in life that can only be truly experienced by those who believe that they exist.

          There is a growing body of acceptance by healers and those who have been healed that the Power of the Creator is able to address many issues that pure science cannot.  There are a growing number of nurses and doctors, who have witnessed miracles.

          They often tend to keep their knowledge to themselves, as it is always the doubters who have the strongest voices and they scorn and ridicule those who have witnessed things that they are unable to see.

          Those who are sensitive and live their lives in love will be shown miraculous things and will be enlightened.  Their minds are open to the realities that occur in life and are shared with like-minded people who recognise the Higher Intelligence.

Those with closed minds, who live lives of negativity and rebuff the light and love of Creation will not be able to recognise the healing hands that hold the healer’s power of recovery for so many.

          Not all pharmaceutical induced practices are bad and very many are helped and are saved by their positive attitude in doing what they can and often surgery is needed to remove the negative growths that have appeared.

Spiritual healing is a gift from God for Mankind to use to heal and give quality of life back to the suffer.  Love is a commodity that is the basis of all life and it is used to take away all darkness and negativity that exists.

Where people are only taught so much so far, they are limited in their abilities to help those who suffer.  The narrowness of their abilities means that they do what they can and then give up or in some cases they continue treating and end up killing the patient.

These patients are often made to go through extreme pain and discomfort until they are released from life and handed back to the unconditional love of their Creator.  It is comforting to know that healing continues after passing on, so that the damage to the soul is repaired and given freedom from all negativity.

However, it need not be like this, as the Gift of Healing is given by God to all who are able to receive it.  Even non-believers are shown the love and care that healers working with the Power of Healing are able to give.

We all have free will and the right to choose our pathway with love and healing or through the negativity of disbelief.  I say Amen to that.                     

03 July 2019

We Are All Equal in the Eyes of the Creator

          It is an interesting exercise to view the efforts of Mankind to set up powerhouses of religion for their followers and to compare them with the words and teachings of the Highest Intelligence, who many call God.

          Religions are for the most part manmade and man dominated.  They cling to certain texts from old documents called Scriptures and pick out the parts that suit their philosophy.  They claim to be in touch with God but suit themselves.

          Their biggest claim is that they are so high and mighty that they converse with God and we, they tell us who are not part of that conversation, wouldn’t understand it.  They must lead and we, like sheep, must follow.

          Beyond this globe of our present existence, there are no religions, only truth.  What goes on here on this earth plane, is a power struggle to control the largest number of earthly souls and to get them to pay for the upkeep of the organisation.

          Perhaps you remember the money changers outside the Temple in Jerusalem, who changed the offerings of the poor who came to celebrate the Festival of Passover but were unclean and their offerings had to converted into clean currency, so that it could be accepted.

          These money changers changed the standard Greek and Roman money for Jewish and Tyrian shekels at a conversion rate that could only be described as extortionate.  They paid the Temple elders highly for their pitch and chose the rates amongst themselves.

          The offerings of animals that were brought to be slaughtered were used to feed the Temple staff, who were on to a good thing.  The losers were those who brought their best from their little farms as a gift to God, not to feed money changers and Temple staff.

          Today, religions and religious cults are an easy way of making a good living and prospering off the gullible and unwary.  They are given promises that cannot be kept and the followers pay for their presumed salvation through their innocence.

          Our spirit within us craves for the love and guidance of the Great Spirit, who is our Creator and who gave us life.  Each day we should give thanks for what we have and not languish in not recognising what he does for us.

          So many people ask God for things and, when they do not recognise that he has given them, they say that he does not hear them and doesn’t answer their prayers.  All prayers are heard and are answered in the right way.

          We are not here to be given problems to solve that make us into better beings and expect God to take them away when we fail to measure up to them.  We need to pray for his divine help in showing us how to overcome them.

          We all face difficult tasks in our lives and many are of our own making when we don’t always come up to the standards of Spiritual Law.  We are in human form, so this does happen more often than we perhaps realise.

          So often people ask, “Why does God do this?”  “Why does he allow this to happen?”  Perhaps we should be asking why humanity so often fails and causes so much distress to the innocent and humble.

          It is about time that people realised that God has a perfect plan for us all to participate in and to learn from.  We are known individually to the Great Creator and He allows us to experience many things that initially cause us suffering and pain, but in the long run make us better souls to understand and help others to cope.

          We need to conduct a conversation with Him and to learn within our own self what He wants for us to achieve in our life on this earth plain.  God is not without; He is within us all.  We were made in His image, which means that we are made from a little bit of Him.

          We all need to make this contact and to persevere.  Miracles do happen, but not when they are not needed and there is a better and more lasting way.  We need to become in tune with our Creator.

          It is not for God to become in tune with us.  He is already perfect.  We must draw closer to him as individuals and learn what makes His perfection as we try to learn and emulate it.

Religions tend to lay down their own laws and expect us to follow without question.  If we don’t, they tend to punish.  Our Father teaches us with unconditional love through the spirit that is in unison with all goodness and holiness.

All souls created are in need of finding their own path in life and not have it dictated to by others.  Nobody can walk another’s pathway.  This they must do for themselves.  They can be helped and guided but they alone can achieve that path correctly.

Let us learn where we are at fault and address our failures.  We will feel better for having done so, as the spiritual love always rewards us when we get it right and that warmth flows freely within us.

We do not need to go to congregations and big buildings to find what we need.  We don’t even need to kneel down.  All we need is to ask for the help of the Almighty from our hearts when that is necessary.

Ignoring our problems won’t let them go away.  We need to address them directly to the source within us all and ask for help.  Then we will no longer be afraid.  We are all worthy in the eyes of our Father, no matter what we have done.

The Great Spirit will show us the way to go with unconditional love and healing.  I say Amen to that.

31 May 2019

Another Way to Keep on the Right Road

          Have faith in your Father Creator and you will find that He loves you and that He keeps away the negativity that surrounds you in this life.  By speaking your thoughts out to Him, he can surround you with his love at the moments when you most need it.

          Too many people live in anxiety and worry that they cannot overcome their fears and draw further negativity to them.  They spend too much time in states of depression and darkness.

          Many people will realize that they never fear death, but because of their anxieties it is life itself that they fear.  Constant worrying is fear of living and ignoring God, who loves you and will help you if you let him.

          I say to you, “Can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life? If then you are not able to do such a small a thing as that, why do you worry about the rest?”

          God gave you this life here on this earth plane of existence as an experience to learn and through peace of mind to progress and grow into a more evolved spirit.  It is through overcoming your own difficulties that you can help others with less experienced than you have.

          It is through the hard times, when you feel that you can’t go on and yet you do, that the unconditional love of the Spirit is available to you.  “Ask and it shall be given to you.  Seek and you will find.”

          All your prayers are answered, but not always instantly as you may desire them.  When you overcome that mountainous state of being, as you will and as you must, you will look back and see how God brought you the necessary miracles that you needed.

          It gives Him no pleasure to see you struggle, but He knows that through your persistence and faith in His help, you will learn how you can depend on His direction and guidance to get the job done and rise as a more competent soul.

          Do not bemoan your fate or grumble about how you are left to your own devises to overcome your unhappiness, as that only surrounds you with negativity and that is the evil that must be fought and conquered.

By losing the positivity of your own resilience, you make it far more difficult for the unconditional love of the Spirit to come close and help you find the way out of your doldrums.

          As the world is populated by givers and takers, so the energies that we give out to others are good and loving or selfish and demanding.  We must learn how to react to the opposing energy in order to maintain our own levels goodness.

          Depression is a natural home for negativity and can be as crippling as any physical illness.  We can never afford to give in to states of mind that are not positive and loving, so that our state is always able to push away the darkness that may hold us back.

          This darkness is caused by not allowing the unconditional love from On High to permutate our minds, bringing us faith and hope.  If we ask for help to be given us from our hearts, we will be heard and slowly we will find that a miraculous understanding is being born.

          Everything worth having must be earned.  There are no worthwhile quick fixes that take away our difficulties or problems with the stroke of a brush.  However, we can be given glimpses of the salvation that we need.

          Then we start to understand that in order to see the picture clearly, we need to see each stroke of the brush build light into the picture, as the love of God shows us the direction that we need to go.

          When this starts to happen, we must have the courage to see it through and not cringe away muttering that it is too hard.  With each stroke we will find that we are given the strength to carry out this journey for ourselves and for the Greater Good.

          We did not come to this earth plane in isolation, but with others to work with and together we will need each other to fulfil our part in the tapestry that the Creator has placed us in – in the perfect time and space.

          It is through our spiritual conversations with our guides and our Father that we emerge wiser and stronger souls and can seek out likeminded people and work together for the Greater Good.

          We were made to be gregarious and to seek out those who have skills to help us, as we are sought out to help those who are in need and rejoice in the success that we can bring to the lives of others.

          As we sow, so shall we reap.  This applies to all situations in this life.  The better we sow for the right reasons, so we will harvest the rewards to make us able to enjoy greater things in our lives and even more to using in helping others.

          Remember that by your thoughts and actions, so you will be seen for who and what you are.  The next dimension is made of unconditional love where all is there to help you as you will have earned your place by helping others.

          Do not allow those thoughts and actions to have been bemoaning of your fate and the way that you couldn’t manage without attracting negativity.  In the next world, you will need to understand unconditional love as it was shown to you in this life to help you to overcome and succeed and all will rejoice for you when you do.

          I say Amen to that.

30 April 2019

Climate Change or Doomsday

          Take a good look at the way that the earth plane is developing and make up your minds about what you feel that you want to do about it.  We all have free will and that includes matters of Universal proportions.

          It is frankly undeniable that the temperature is rising steadily causing the ice to melt and the sea levels to rise.  Carbon emissions from the use of fossil fuels, such as coal, petrol and gas, are on the increase and this cannot be coincidental.

          The lines of demarcation are clear that those who have an interest in making money out of these products, directly or indirectly, favour no change and wish to be left to continue the pollution to burn away the ozone protection of this planet.

          Protests are becoming more common these days, but do they have any overall effect on our politicians or the leaders of industry to reverse the trend?  It seems that the people in power have only a short vision of the future.

          It is so often the younger generation that tend to care the most and this is not surprising when one realises that they will face the greater disruption to the natural rhythms of this planet.

          The temperature is steadily increasing and the sea is steadily rising.  The trees that reverse the trend by converting the carbon dioxide back to oxygen are being felled at an astonishing rate and their burning adds to the problem.

          There is no doubt that a rising world population will have less land to live on and less food to eat, as the sea becomes polluted by Mankind’s waste and the plastic found in it, ends up in the stomachs of the species who live there.

          There is no doubt that the time is starting to run out and sensible people, who love this beautiful planet, are listened to and then ignored.  It is the scientists and the naturalists who hold the facts, but does anybody want to hear them and change the trend?

          One would be forgiven for thinking that those closest to the Creator of this world and the Universe outside, would be receiving messages from the Spirit World, Heaven or the life beyond to encourage Mankind to stop and think and use their free will for the Greater Good.

          Where are the religious leaders, who hold power over their flocks and congregations?  Are they speaking out to the industrial giants and producers of oil and coal to moderate their use of these harmful products and clean up this world?

          It seems that if you have enough money, you can be allowed to continue your rattle of death and bring pain and misery to those who are too weak to stand up for common sense.  I would ask you to consider the Tobacco Industry and the American Gun Lobby as examples.

          If we take this as an act of free will, we will see that we are being used by the takers of this world at the expense of the givers and the smoke screen of lies and greed is forever blocking common sense, as those who make their living dealing in death flourish.

          Where in all this darkness are those who purport to pedal goodness and spiritual love?  Their careers are still in the past explaining the old texts from religious scriptures, when they should be acting and teaching the needs of the 21st Century.

          Life is being made to resemble a Hollywood block buster of Good versus Evil, only here there is no magic ending, as there won’t be that miracle big enough to overcome the free will of our own making and choosing.

          It is possible, but only if Mankind start to grow in a meaningful way, by putting aside the material pleasures of this world and admitting the smoke screen put out by the violators of a balanced world, where all can gain.

          The people who care, must put aside the products that endanger their future.  Everybody who can have a say must speak and save this planet for all time.  It is no use leaving it to others, as we are all responsible for our actions.

          It should be known that we take our own responsibilities when we pass, but we are also responsible in those groups that we belong to, such as family, the workplace, our nations, religious inclination and Mankind as a whole.

          We need to be aware, least we neglect our obligations.  Our Heavenly Father is fully aware of our shortcoming and our ignorance.  He loves us despite them and will never let us fall away entirely, but we will have to become reconciled with our omissions and put them right as far as we are able.

          As we remain spirit in a human form, we are no less responsible for our actions.  Let your actions speak truth and let your words remember others.  None of us are alone and we cannot survive without each other.

          We must all do what we can to save this beautiful world and not allow it to crumble into dust, because we were too busy enjoying the material life to keep our eye on the ball, which is the future of this globe on which we and all earthly life have a right to be.

          Know that your thoughts and actions are fully known in the World of Spirit or Heaven if you prefer.  The Higher Intelligence gives everyone the opportunity, so I ask if you are strong enough to take it and I say Amen to that.

27 March 2019

What is the Best Way to Overcome Our Pain?

          As we draw closer to Easter and the celebrations of a life continuing after passing from the physical body, we all need to take time to consider what this means to us.  It is a spiritual event and one that asks strong questions about our being here.

          Religions use their power over us by concentrating on the pain and suffering, which so often leads to the passing.  They do not always understand the spiritual happening when the soul is freed from the hardships of this world into a state of unconditional love.

          They are guided by the actions of men and not by the creating spirit of a higher intelligence, which is a mightier brain able to work in far greater ways than our own little one.  Through love we can link with that greater intelligence to guide us.

          We were given this life on this earth plane to experience emotions and make decisions that are not possible in a state of unconditional love.  Sometimes we may feel like giving up, but there is always a plan to strengthen and guide us if we ask sincerely for ‘God’s help. 

          When we pray or communicate with ‘Him’, even in our darkest hours, we need to ask to be shown the way to overcome our difficulties and, without harming others, to surmount our problems in such a way that we fulfil ‘His’ plan for us.

          If we can put ‘God’ first and understand that our needs and wants are subservient to ‘His’ will, we will receive the light that shows us the way ahead.  Then, in trust and courage, we will walk with ‘Him’ along that road.

          We are not here so that we can be punished or that our mistakes will cause us pain.  We need to understand that we are here to be happy in ourselves by helping others and not causing them pain or misery

          We have a Divine Right to choose our own pathway and not be dictated to by others.  In order to live in this way, we must take the responsibility for what we do and, as you have heard many times, “You will reap what you sow.”

          When I was asked who to serve God or Man, I said, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”  Do not be trapped but listen to your conscience and you will be guided into knowing what is right.

          We all need to live our lives as though it was our last day in this earth plane and that we will be returned to that Kingdom of Unconditional Love, where we will be invited to see our lives and explain what we have done to deserve to stay there.

As we suffer the pain that all will feel at some time or another, we need to be guided into the best way of overcoming the cause of it.  It cannot simply be removed, as it is there for us to learn from the experience and use that knowledge to help others.

We have not been abandoned here to suffer but to learn to overcome our problems.  It is through understanding why we suffer that we can find the way to deal with them.  If we learn to see the right way in truth to act and behave, we will find that we have the means to do so.

No pain or suffering is given that we are not able to be strong enough to bear it.  The strength of the spirit within us is the mighty gift of survival that our Creator put in each one on us.  We need to recognise this.

In order to understand where our lives are leading us, we need to communicate with that Higher Intelligence.  Can you imagine a mighty intelligence that is able to create a universe out of nothing?

In order to do that, unconditional love and undefined wisdom must be used for the greater good of all in this Universe and beyond.  ‘God’s being is so mighty that it has space to look after all the happenings everywhere, but also that compassion and understanding what we all need individually.

          Nothing is too small or unimportant that the Higher Intelligence isn’t there when called upon in love and honesty to seek the right direction for us to follow.  Our trust in ‘Him’ should be so strong that we are able to carry out what ‘He’ requires for us and for us to understand why!

          As you watch the Easter story, imagine that you were there watching it all and didn’t know the ending.  You could only see the step by step of a good man being abused and hurt on his way to his death.

          “Hasn’t he suffered enough?” you may ask.  Then finally it is done and the man dies and you go home with your thoughts and prayers.  No doubt you would discuss it with your family and friends.

          But this is not over!  ‘God’ doesn’t always tell you the purpose until you are ready to look back on what has been achieved.  This man was seen on Sunday morning alive and well and able to talk with his loved ones and his friends.

          The message is clear.  ‘God’, our Creator, didn’t make us to perish on this earth plane never to be heard of again.  Our passing isn’t the end, it is the beginning of the next phase of our lives when we will be healed of our pain and suffering.

          We will have a life to live in that next dimension of unconditional love and the opportunity to tell others still here about this life ahead of them.  When we pass, we will be able to tell them to trust in ‘God’ and let the wisdom of the Spirit Guides show them the way.

          “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”  Know who is the greater and live in the love of ‘God’ and I say Amen to that.

27 February 2019

Spring Forward and Don’t Fall Back

           As this new year is now showing signs of the renewing of natural life and regeneration, we all need to seize this opportunity of the upgrading of the energies that have kept us sluggish and weakened.

          The shorter day lengths do have an effect on our minds that are reflected in our bodies.  As the days lengthen, so we are able to accept more sunlight and positive energies within ourselves.

          Those who live in towns, where artificial light pollutes the natural rhythms of life, there is less awareness of the reality of the natural world.  People are almost completely taken over by the material aspects of life and lose the balance of natural rhythms.

          Our minds were created and so grew the balance of everything coming within the setting of the sun and it rising again, giving us a natural yardstick on which to balance our lives and become ready for the next day.

          People went to bed when it was dark and got up with the rising of the sun, utilising what was available to them for the living of their lives and the resting of their body through the dark hours of largely negative energy.

          Sunshine is a positive energy and this can be felt on a beautiful sunny morning when you tend to get up with a spring in your step.  Dull and cloudy mornings reduce the positivity and allow more negative energy to slow you down.

          With all Mankind’s cleverness, he is still not able to regulate the weather, although through the production of artificial light the day appears to be extended and the hours for sleep and rest are reduced.

          All people need to keep in balance.  They need to make use of the natural white light from the sun to invigorate their minds and to keep depression away.  Artificial yellow light does not have the same effect biologically.

          So, it is important to be aware of the natural gifts that have been bestowed on us and use them wisely.  The lengthening of the natural day has always been celebrated as the Spring Equinox as there is more natural light than darkness.

          We all need the natural light in our lives, which carries the spiritual energy of life itself.  We were all created to live and exploit the natural conditions that our minds and bodies were built for.

          We are spiritual beings that live in a physical body while we are on this earth plane.  When that body is worn out or broken, we are taken out of it and our spirit goes to the next dimension of unconditional love.

          There we are healed and according to our achievements in living according to Spiritual Law, we can rest awhile in the place that we have earned for ourselves by our actions in helping others for the greater good.

          We leave behind for good that physical body that served us well on the earth plane of existence, while keeping our spiritual being safe within it.  This had to be protected from the pressures of gravity and the negativity found around the globe.

          When God decides that it is time for us to pass on into the next realm of existence, our spirit is released.  After leaving that body for good, we have the choice of looking back and seeing the earthly actions that had so recently concerned us.

          Once free of that physical body, we are free of its restraints on us and we feel no longer the pains and sufferings that may have caused us much unhappiness as we grew older and the body wore out.

          Our spiritual body is glorious and enlightened.  It does not age as the old body and we are able to now exist in the unconditional love of our Creator.  We are still recognised as the souls we were, only less worn and more carefree.

          To understand this transformation, think and understand that Easter is remembered for the death of the Christ on the cross and the rising from bodily death into the Spirit and the proof that was given to all who cared to observe it, then as now.

          The reason for this public death and resurrection was not to take on the sins of the world.  We are all responsible for our own misdemeanours and we all have to make amends for them, putting them right wherever and whenever we can.

My sacrifice was the destiny that my Father gave me.  It was to preach love and spiritual enlightenment culminating in the proof that life is everlasting and that, after bodily death on this earth plane, our spirit lives on.

I first showed myself to my lover and wife and then to my disciples.  Nowhere was I thought to be celibate except by man’s ruling of control in the church.  I was able to enjoy the great gift of unconditional love that is given to all through the creation of men and women.

 I gave the proof that I was alive and well to those who knew me before on this earth plane and all but one accepted me to be the risen Christ.  It was Thomas who needed physical proof and, until he put his hands on my scars, he doubted.

My words to him were important.  He was blessed for knowing that I lived on.  However, more blessed were those who believed without seeing and feeling the scars of my body.

Doubt me not and know that I am alive and working to bring you peace and proof of everlasting life.  Love each other and work together for the greater good knowing that God loves you as I do and I say Amen to that.

28 January 2019

Everything That We Need Is Within Us

As the sun shines through the cold winter air, it is a good time to reflect on our lives and our places in the Universe.  So many are confined to the loco parentis.  We take parental duties so seriously that they miss the point of the higher and wider meaning of this state of being.

Our family’s lives are therefore limited to the local daily issues that appear before us and we are so busy providing the best we can that we fail to look out into the sunlight as it radiates down from the Godhead.

The Father of All is the Father in Heaven.  As I taught you to say, “Our Father who art in Heaven hallowed be thy name.”  Do you recognise Him as your Father and the Father to all your family?

The term in loco parentis comes from the Latin for "in the place of a parent".  It refers to the legal responsibility of a person to take on some of the functions and responsibilities of a parent.

However, in Universal language it means that we are all connected to each other through our Creation and we need to understand that it is up to us to take the place of Our Father to all beings and to help and guide them through the unconditional love that we are all given.

There is a lady called Anita Moorjani, who had a Near Death Experience (NDE) as she succumbed to the ravages of cancer.  She was shown the limitations of Universal existence and explained it beautifully in her book Dying to be Me.

She saw it as being in a massive unlit warehouse and all she had was a small torch to shine around her.  When the lights were turned on, she could see everything else that there was to see.  Later the lights were turned off and she was left with that torch only.

However, that was enough as she had seen the extent of the warehouse and all it contained.  She realised that what she could see with the torch was all that was available to her in this earth plane.

Outside it was the vast Universe that was overseen by ‘God’ the Father.  ‘God’ is within us all and we are connected to everything else that exists.  If we limit our thinking to just what is around us in the torchlight, we are very constrained.

By centering ourselves and concentrating our thoughts and being in the Universal truth that we are a part of this great magnificent existence, we allow that part of us that we call ‘God’ to start to show us the way to think and act universally.

We are not here by accident but by design.  We came into this world with innocence and unconditional love with a destiny to help others and to become holy, which means complete.  We all need to think and act spiritually and to know that we are special.

This lady was healed of her cancer in five weeks after her NDE and her body was rebuilt by the Universe and the unconditional love that she was able to bring into her life.  Then, as she went home, she found a new life and destiny to fulfil.

She made new friends and lost interest in the material world of finance and acquisitions.  She has devoted her life to the expansion of the Universal gifts that are given to those who are worthy to do the work of the ‘God’ within them.

Everything that they see is beautiful and worthy.  No religion is involved as the true work comes from the ‘God’ within us all.  The Spirit Guides, as ‘God’s’ messengers, are there to pave the pathway for us to follow.

If we believe in the spiritual way of living and being and practice it well, then the hard work has been done.  We can relax and be happy, as what we need will be given to us and we will be shown the way as everything will drop into our laps.

Belief is the importance here, as it is that which will earn us our rewards to fulfil our destiny.  Our own Spirit Guides work with our personalised ‘God’ centred within us all and we need to have belief and faith in them to guide us.

They will bring in what we need when we need it and not before.  When this happens, we will be struck by the perfect timing of it all.  Messages and links are made that if not perfectly timed would never have the desired result.

We also need patience to allow the Spirit to work for us.  They have our best interests at heart and they also know when we are ready to take on these additional processes for our lives.  All we need is the strength and the perseverance to succeed with their backing.

Many honest and spiritual souls will tell you that they have seen miracles and happenings in their lives that came to them with that prefect timing.  They will not occur in the time of our choosing, but in ‘God’s’ perfect time.

There are no failures, but only alterations on our path as circumstances dictate.  Not everybody in the world is predictable and leave their actions to the Spirit to sort out and so delays and changes are possible.

If we are happy and secure in our spiritual lives, we will be able to see and feel the presence that accompanies the workings of this spiritual world around us, where things happen by design and not by coincidence.

We need to remember that we are a part of a team.  We are all linked together and whether we choose to be part of it or not is up to us.  We all have free will and the choice is ours.  If we require a life of fulfilment in helping others, we will happily learn to go along with it all.

Notice that no religion can take the place of the ‘God’ within us all.  Religions are managed rulebooks that dictate to their followers what they should be doing.  What you have within, is your personal guidance system, which will never let you down.

There will be times when you may be struck down by disease or hurt in an accident.  You will question your faith and belief system and you will eventually emerge stronger when you are given the proofs to understand.

It is by the means of both good and bad breaks that we learn and are empowered to use our experiences to help the greater good as well as those that are around us.  Suddenly a door appears to open and the sunlight shines in.

You will feel amazed by the revelations that it brings and, when the proofs are shown to you, it will be as though you really knew them all the time, but you couldn’t quite reach them.

When I was on the earth plane all those years ago. I often spoke about my Father in Heaven.  He is our voice within, who guides us and Heaven is not a place, it is a state within us.

So, it now all makes sense, doesn’t it?  Everything that we need is within us and we are guided from here to do our work for the greater good and our family members alike.  We are all connected to everybody else through the Spirit.

It is our responsibility to act as the loco parentis, so that the Father within us can help each and every one of those throughout the Universe that we touch with unconditional love.  I say Amen to that.”